I found that
You are important to me
More than I thought
Im used to have you to stay with me overnight
Im used to have your hug
Im used to put my head on your shoulder
Im used to ask him to carry me
Im used to see you yelling for help when I am teasing him…
Im used to hear you calling me : cutie
Im used to see you stealing the kisses from me…
Im used to see you being sneaky…
Im used to see you playing naughty
Im used to have you comforting me when I am crying…
And etc…
I’ve said if one day that you were saying to leave
I wouldn’t stop you
Cuz I’ve heard that to set him/her free if you love him/her
But I would thank you for having loved me…
For me, to have had, that would be quite enough!
So, I will still thank the God for having brought you to me!